Brief #10

Brief: Develop a radio spot for Pantene’s TVC ad utilizing the big idea (“Don’t let labels hold you back”) using a creative execution technique. (50 words max)

Execution: Compare the two genders in the same fields of work (Comparison).

Radio spot: If you think that you owe society  then you will never be able to reach your goal. If he is a fighter then so are you! If he is the boss then so are you! If he is a winner then you were born a winner. #winningitUntitled-1.jpg

Creative Brief #9

Brief: Develop a set of 3 print ads for Pantene, using the big idea (“Don’t let labels hold you back”) presented in the TVC given to you.

Execution Technique: The TVC uses a technique that showcases the gender stereotyping in the corporate world and emotionally unfolds how patronizing our society is.

The following 3 print ads are extension of the TVC using the big idea “Don’t Let Labels Hold You Back.” These print ideas show how women are a labelled unfairly in walks of life that are predominately occupied by men, and if a women tries to progress by breaking the stereotypes of the genre of work then they are labelled for their efforts in a negative light.

1st Advertisement

It shows Ronda Rousey, a world class MMA fighter, who broke the stereotype that women are light fighters. Ronda-Rousey-HD-Wallpapers.jpg


2nd advertisement

Serena Williams has been subjected to sexist slurs because of her body size and is a perfect example of breaking racial and gender stereotypes.article-2750074-21390EC800000578-599_638x835.jpg

3rd Advertisement

Sports Journalism is considered a male oriented career but Alex Curry from fox news sports defied the odds and made a place in the southern California side with her awesome and credible reporting. She is #winningIt in the field which is predominately shadowed by men.

sAlex Curry Fox Sports West        4.jpg

It came to an end!

We got out final assessments today and would be working on it. Sir waqas gave us a pizza party which I think is super nice of him as a teacher to care so much for his students.We’re asked to do a follow-up report on an issue and I’m going to do a follow up on the privitization initiative by the punjab government of its schools system under PEF. I have the resources and this is one issue that hasn’t been highlighted enough in the media. It hasn’t gained much attention like the issue of PIA privitization but is still a major issue that the teachers in Punjab are facing and has led to clashes between the teacher unions and the government.

The course has finally ended. I hope that Sir Waqas teaches us again because he was one of the most dedicated faculty member I have seen at nust till, now! *and I’ve been stuck here for the past three years*

Brief #8

a) Explain the big idea in one sentence.
b) Use the same idea to create another set of 3 ads for Australian Tourism.

a) The big idea is that travelling is the search to find oneself. Australia is a country rich in geographic and cultural diversity which proves to be an excellent place for people to explore themselves. Monotony can kill a person while they are alive and that is why travel is such an important aspect of life, because it helps explore the inner potential that every being possess. The big idea revolves around exploring the world but also exploring the inner world one possesses.

b) The 3 ads for Australian Tourism, with their copy are as follows.

1st Advertisement image.adapt.1663.medium.jpg

Arrived with the burden of a stressful job. Departed with a change in perspective about life.Sandy Cay, Great Barrier Reef is a place where you can snorkel, swim or just relax surrounded by the ocean. You look at the larger picture in life, one that does not revolve around a boring job and monotonous routine but a life where everything is connected to the universe with a purpose and so is your existence.

2nd Advertisement


Arrived hoping to comfort the mind for a while. Departed with a forever comfort of heat and mind. The picture shows that at the end of the day, everything will settle down. Life is cyclic so one shouldn’t worry but rather enjoy the it like there will be no tomorrow.

3rd Advertisement spinifex-02.jpg

Arrived with a lust for art. Departed with a love for art. This poster will be targeted towards aspiring artists on how Australia can be a wonderful country capable of changing a persons view point through its creative air.

Back your claim by data!

If you’re making a claim in a newspaper then it is necessary to back it up with substantial information and DATA! Because, if you do not have facts to back it up then it wouldn’t be possible to write a good report or establish your credibility as a news reporter.

Infographs have always been helpful in analyzing and simplifying the data for the audience because then it is easier for the common man to read through it rather than make his own calculated assumptions. Graphs, pie charts and other means of information display are helpful in conveying simplified information to the reader. We did a couple of exercises on excel for that purpose which helped us in harnessing our skills of data interpretation.

For a journalist it is necessary to know the basics of how excel works and unluckily, a lot of us go without this basic training. I remember one time talking to this reporter from SNL, Sheharyar Khan, and he told me that for a financial journalist knowing excel is a survival skill. I don’t plan on going into the field of financial journalism but at times, who knows how helpful the skill of simplifying data and presenting it in charts would be!

Creative Brief #7

Idea: The Hitchhikers Guide to Pakistan

Objective: Engage international audience to follow your campaign on social media

Strategy: Summer is approaching which means that a lot of international and national audience will look for opportunities to go on a vacation. It is perfect to instigate a more culturally diverse and friendly image of Pakistan. Target Market will comprise of international audience as the primary one and national audience as the secondary one-inviting both markets to participate in exploring the diversity of Pakistan. The budget of the campaign will be almost nill because social media posting is free. However, the campaign will be active all through the summer aiming to invite other people. It will use facebook, twitter and periscope to engage and interact with the audience.The media objectives are to invite people to visit Pakistan.

Tagline: This summer from Khyber to Karachi

For facebook there will be an event and a page that will propagate images of Pakistan tourism and also ask people to share their pictures or experiences. It will invite international audience, those who want to visit Pakistan or have been here, to share the best thing they like about the country.

For twitter there will be a hashtag #khyber2karachi that will also invite people to share their experiences and show images of regions of Pakistan for example the post below.Capture

Periscope can be used to show live streaming during the campaign of different areas in Paksitan that people travel to. The media strategy active through out the summer will hopefully bring in people from foreign places keen on exploring the country for themselves.


Photography has always been a subject of interest probably because like they say, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. Photography takes a lot of time and basically, figuring out the right amount of light exposure to convey the audience what you feel about the object or scenario. Brightness and contrast are the two parameters that one has to keep in reference while taking a good shot. I haven’t really done much photography but nonetheless, have always been a fan of people who indulge themselves in it.

We ended up making slideshows for our projects with sounds in the background and images up front. I never really paid attention to how the smallest things we do have such loud noises. However, the project was a very enlightening experience. I learnt a lot and also managed to figure out a lot about the right type of light to provide good photojournalism.

Brief # 6

Brief:  žSuppose your university’s administration approaches you to develop an Ad campaign with the purpose to revamp University’s brand image among youth. Using JWT’s creative brief format, develop a coherent brief

Problem:  NUST is labelled as an army academic institution so strongly that there is no creative or sport environment in it. It is considered as a strict and uptight institution among other universities.

Opportunity: NUST offers a diverse range of courses and holds many conferences/activities that can help in revamping the image of the institution. Olympaid and NIMUN can be used to revamp the image into a school that fosters creativity and a enjoying learning environment for students.

Target audience:

The target audience is urban youth aged between 18-26 that belong to upper middle class or higher class families. They possess at least an intermediate degree or a-levels, which can be the potential student lot of the institution. Psychography of the youth invovle being liberal free thinkers that are involved in creative arts and activities that foster an inclusive lifestyle that does not discriminate on any values. The artists as they are called, want to progress forward into a bias free world.

With the help of a campaign that fosters the ideals of artists and free thinkers, we can first hand engage the audience to take part in competitions that foster more art. The extra-curricular will be designed to foster a more creative environment and competition such as painting and photography will help in reinforcing this campaign.

The key response needed from this ad campaign is for the target audience to change their already conceived image of NUST i.e. strict army education institution to an arts and creativity institution. Where liberal freethinking is fostered and people are encouraged to take steps that they are afraid of.

The availability of art rooms, activities organized by university’s societies should help produce the desired response from the target audience.

This advertisement campaign should express NUST as a welcoming and accepting institution which not only motivates its students to be creative and innovative but also provides them with the tools and opportunities to fulfill their mental ideals. As a brand, we promise to protect the students’ extra-curricular interests.

Profile Writing

So after a week of trying to figure out who to write on, I finally have a pick! *epic drum roll* THE MANGO PEOPLE DUO! I think art on social media rarely gets a voice and are showcased on a platform. This is my opportunity to shed some light on the world of social media art. The mango people duo comprises of Tayyab Tanvir and Sheher Bano. Both are located in Islamabad so grabbing a time slot for the interview won’t be that hard. Also, the character of Piddi is very famous on facebook so this is the perfect time to introduce my instructor to comics!

I’ve already picked this Monday evening as the interview time and am hoping to keep it all casual. Also, some techniques as approaching this in the form of prose writing style with descriptive manner would help me polish up my writing skills. Nut graf is also very important in chalking up a good profile story.  I’m going to be drafting some questions to ask them but overall will keep a more casual tone with the interview. We were provided with sample feature stories in class so hoping to apply some of it in my own story.

Journalism is tough

News reporting and writing has been a very demanding course where almost everyday I have to keep an eye on for a potential news story. We got our profiles assigned and have a couple of days to decide on who we would want to do our profile on. I am thinking of either doing it on DD sports of NUST or an internet celebrity. People on the internet will be hard to get in touch with and physically the interview will not be possible, majority of the artists are located in Karachi. However, I was also thinking of doing a feature story on one of our seniors who is involved in creative writing and has her book published in 2014. I can also do one on the teacher in SEECS who is a well known engineer with multiple software houses working in the Silicon valley.

I’m still trying to decide which idea to pitch to my instructor and then develop a report on. In class we covered the basics of headlines and objectivity. Every news report should have a catchy sentence in the first so that the readers get hooked. Some interview tips were also discussed in class. I’ve submitted two reports on the recent champions league but none of them have been published. Hope they get to see the publicity fame soon.